DreckBak for OS/2
Version 5.d released 1 July, 1999
German Language Version - Now Available Here!
DreckBak is a very simple utility to make it easy to establish a backup strategy for your OS/2 machine.
The program will write to any device that can be seen by the system as a drive letter. It is ideally suited to
Removable Media drives, such as the SyJet, IOmega, and ORB products. It will also write to your hard disk.
The program comes pre-configured to back up drives C, E, and F. These designations are easily changed, and additional
drives can be be added as well. There is a provision for specifying directories and files that you don't want backed up.
Yes!!! There is no need for your CACHE and DELETE directories (or SWAPPER.DAT) to waste space in your backup.
Fully automatic logging of all actions and errors to the directory of your choice. Set this up with a CRON
program, or the included scheduler, for fully automated, unattended backups.
The package includes several FreeWare utilities used by DreckBak, a scheduler, complete documentation, easy setup
instructions, and an optional install program to create all of the objects and directories needed by the program.
Below are screen shots of the DreckBak Folders.
Click Here for ScreenShot of my Desktop with several DreckBak windows open
Just click on the DreckBak Icon to launch a full backup of multiple drives, or use a CRON or scheduling program
for unattended use. SCHEDB2.ZIP is included in this archive for your convenience. It is a WPS extension that adds a SCHEDULE page to the properties notebook of your program objects,
allowing any program to be set to execute on a schedule.
The FreshBak icon (registered version only) allows you to back up any drive (or parts of the tree) to any location. The example below is a backup of my "E" boot partition
after applying FixPak10. The partition will be backed up in the "FreshBak" directory on my "J" drive.

The program prompts for input. Just enter the Drive, Directory and Zipfile Name.

The second screen asks for the drive to be backed up.
Full verification of the integrity of the ZIP files are automatically performed twice, along with full
logging of all activities. Unobtrusive audible tones signal errors and completion of the backup.
In the event that you need it, a program object to restore your backup is included. The example below will restore the backup file to my boot drive E:
This approach will work with both a maintenance partition and from Floppies. DreckBak will work from the comand line as well as from the WPS.
There is also a provision to enable copying the backups to another location, or to call a program to get your backup onto your Tape drive.
If you can run OS/2, you can use DreckBak.
DreckBak is ShareWare
If you find the program useful, please register with BMT Micro. The cost is only $25.00 US. The registered
version includes the FreshBak module described above. All features in the ShareWare version are
fully functional, and will not expire.
The address is below.
Download DreckBak Here
Registered version from BMT MICRO Secure Order System
DrekBak Demo Version 5.d Released 1 July, 1999
View the Docs Here
New! German translation of DreckBak
Translation courtesy Klaus Roeckerath, M.D.
DOCS ONLY in German .DrkBkGer.zip
German Language DrekBak Demo Version 5.d Released 5 July, 1999
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